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Why is commercial legal expenses a must have insurance cover?


It’s always challenging running a business, from keeping up with the latest legislation to resolving problems with suppliers or receiving an unexpected visit from the taxman. Legal problems can arise suddenly and prove expensive and time-consuming to deal with.

We have a range of commercial legal expenses policies to suit every size and shape of business, as well as our bespoke commercial scheme options. To discuss any of these options contact us by clicking here or join our Live Chat by clicking the yellow icon on the bottom right of the web page.

Caucasian businessman standing by a flipchart and pointing

We can help with the following legal issues:

  • Where expert legal advice is needed quickly

  • A dispute with an employee escalates and can’t be resolved

  • A notice of an enquiry into the tax or VAT returns of the business is received

  • A Health & Safety inspection ends with a threat to prosecute the business

  • A neighbouring business restricts access to the premises

  • Help navigate and resolve contract disputes effectively

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Day One Benefits

With most insurance policies, if you don’t make a claim then you don’t get any real benefit from them. Our Legal Expenses Insurance is different, it offers a wraparound legal service from day one. There are benefits your customer can access straight away, to help them manage and minimise any legal risks to their business.

Legal and Tax Advice
Legal & Tax Advice

You can call our legal advice helpline and get immediate advice about legal matters 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can also obtain tax-related advice from our tax helpline, available between 9am and 5pm on weekdays (except bank holidays). Your query will be dealt with by a qualified specialist who is experienced in handling legal and tax-related matters.

Legal Documents
Legal Documents

Our legal services website can help your business by supplying a wide range of useful tools, from a comprehensive range of legal guides and templates on subjects such as employment and Health & Safety that you can tailor to your business. You can also access videos and claims examples to show you how our covers work and how to make a claim.


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