Family Legal Insurance Solutions
Our policy allows your customers to pursue or defend their legal rights without worrying about the cost.
Speak to our Sales TeamMost people think they are unlikely to become involved in a legal dispute, but a bad experience with an employer, faulty goods or a holiday from hell are all very common problems. Taking legal action to resolve these kinds of issue can be expensive and complicated.
Family legal insurance provides coverage for legal costs incurred during family disputes, such as property and employment disputes or personal injury claims. Solicitor costs can be expensive, but with Family Legal Protection, you can be covered for thousands of pounds worth of legal costs per claim.

How does our Family Legal Insurance help?
Employment legal expenses scenario
Our insured worked as a painter for a small painting and decorating company. She found out that a male colleague was on a higher wage than her even though she was more experienced and had more expertise. She submitted a grievance for equal pay. Whilst this was being investigated, the company suffered a downturn in work and made our insured redundant. She felt she was unfairly selected and, in her opinion, was being made redundant due to her grievance. Our insured contacted us to make a claim. We confirmed cover and appointed a specialist solicitor to act. Prior to the hearing at the Employment Tribunal, the former employer agreed to settle for £9,400 plus a good reference. ARAG paid the solicitor’s fees of £2,500.
Tax legal expenses scenario
Our insured received a letter from HMRC stating that they intended to make an enquiry into our insured’s personal tax return for the previous year. Our insured contacted us and we appointed a tax consultant to represent him and negotiate on his behalf. After extensive investigation, HMRC confirmed that the tax return was in order with appropriate tax paid. We settled the tax consultant’s invoice for £3,500.
Property legal expenses scenario
A neighbour had built a wall which encroached onto our insured’s garden. After failing to reach an agreement with their neighbour about removing the wall our insured contacted us and we appointed a solicitor to act for them. Following protracted correspondence, both sides agreed to mediation, leading to an agreement for the wall’s removal where it had been built on our insured’s land. We paid the solicitor’s fees of £5,250.

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