Once you have found the job that you're interested in please follow the instructions on the advert itself. Click here to see all of our current vacancies
Sorry but we are unable to accept speculative applications or CVs, so please only send us your CV if you're applying for a job that we've advertised.
It takes a little time for us to give every application fair consideration before deciding who to interview, but we aim to invite successful applicants to the next stage of the recruitment process within two weeks of the closing date.
We’d love to provide individual feedback about unsuccessful applications, but the sheer number that we receive makes this impossible. If you haven’t heard back within 14 days or have any other questions about your application, please contact
ARAG employs people from all over the world, but we do have a legal obligation to check that you have the right to work in the UK, so please bring proof of your eligibility, such as:
• Your current UK or EEA Passport
• Your full Birth Certificate (the A4 one)
• Your non-EEA Passport AND your Biometric Residence Permit
Click here for more information on our recruitment process.
Our recruitment process can vary, depending on the role, but typically you’ll be interviewed by a senior member of the department you’re applying to work in.
There’s no need to worry, as we’ll let you know the format of the interview before you get here, but you’ll certainly be asked some questions about the role you’ve applied for to test your understanding and competence. You might also be asked to complete a psychometric assessment and some of our roles call for a separate test of your technical abilities.
Most important of all is that you are ready to talk about your experiences. We want to hear about relevant situations that you’ve encountered in the past, how you’ve dealt with them and how effective your actions were.
If you’re uncertain about any aspect of an interview that you’ve been invited to attend, such as how long it will last, just email us at
It can take a couple of weeks for us to interview all the candidates so, if you haven’t heard back from us after 14 days or more, then you’re welcome to drop us a line at