Harassment in the workplace
When Carla* suffered harassment and bullying at work she called us to see if she had a case. We supported her to pursue compensation.
Carla had a legal dispute with her employer over bullying and harassment at work. We were able to provide legal help because Carla had a better than 50% chance of winning her case.
We were able to cover Carla’s legal costs in full because she came to us before appointing her own solicitor or incurring any legal costs herself.
Carla had purchased legal expenses insurance as an extension to the cover under her main home insurance policy.
We provided telephone legal advice and, after assessment of Carla’s case, appointed a solicitor to act on her behalf. Carla was covered by us for legal costs up to £50,000.
*This is an account of a real claim. The customer’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.

Workplace bullying
Allan* became depressed following the way he was treated at work. He used legal assistance to challenge his unfair treatment. We took his case to mediation and tribunal.
Allan had a legal dispute with his employer for bullying, harassment and intimidation. We provided legal advice and supported Allan in his legal case as he had purchased legal expenses cover as an extension to his main home insurance policy.
Allan was distressed when he called our legal advice helpline. Our qualified legal advisers listened to Allan’s case and provided details of how he should proceed; including helping Allan draft a complaint letter to send to his employer.
We appointed a solicitor to act on Allan’s behalf. Allan was covered for up to £50,000 for legal costs including legal fees and tribunal costs. Allan went to the employment tribunal with his solicitor to present his case.
We were able to help Allan because:
• His legal expenses insurance policy included Employment Disputes cover
• There was a contract of employment in place (Allan wasn’t self-employed)
• Throughout his claim Allan always had a greater than 50% chance of winning his case
*This is an account of a real claim. The customer’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.
Neighbour dispute
Helen* was concerned about some work a neighbour was doing to their property which affected her boundary. She called our legal advice helpline for advice.
Helen’s story is about a problem with her neighbour’s renovation work. The contractors were trespassing and she was concerned about potential damage to her property as a result.
Helen had access to our 24/7 legal advice line as part of an optional staff benefits package she was offered by her employer.
Helen’s neighbour problems haven’t yet required further legal action. Helen can call back as many times as she likes to discuss this, or any other personal legal issue, with our qualified legal advisers using our 24/7 telephone legal advice helpline.
*This is an account of a real claim. The customer’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.