Published on 30/01/2025
David Haynes will succeed Tony Buss
The Nomination Committee of ARAG UK has appointed David Haynes as CEO of ARAG UK Holdings Limited and ARAG Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited, in Bristol. He will lead ARAG’s business in the United Kingdom. David Haynes will officially assume his new role on April 1, 2025, succeeding Tony Buss, who is set to retire at that time.
David Haynes is a founding member of ARAG UK which started its business from scratch in 2006. Most recently, he was responsible for underwriting as Director of ARAG Legal Expenses Insurance Company. Following the acquisition of DAS UK completed in early 2024, he has served as a member of the new leadership team and on the Board of Directors of the newly established ARAG entities. “David Haynes has proven himself through his highly successful work within the leadership team, making him an excellent choice for this new role. We are delighted that he will now lead ARAG’s newly structured UK business and its 900 employees,” states Dr. Renko Dirksen, Speaker of the Board of Management of ARAG SE. ARAG UK has premiums under management of €265 million.
After 19 successful years in the top executive position of ARAG UK and 48 years in the insurance business, Tony Buss will step down from the executive board upon reaching retirement age. However, due to his significant contributions to ARAG’s UK business and his extensive expertise, Tony Buss will remain connected to the company in an advisory role. “The ARAG Group owes Tony Buss a great debt of gratitude,” emphasises Dr. Renko Dirksen. “He has successfully built and led our UK operations since 2006. Moreover, Tony Buss played a key role in ARAG SE’s acquisition of DAS UK, which was smoothly finalised at the beginning of 2024.”
All changes at ARAG UK are subject to further regulatory approval.
Printable press photos of David Haynes and Tony Buss are available here.
Press contact
Christian Danner
Telephone: +49 211 963-2217
Web: www.ARAG.com
Andy Talbot
Director of Marketing, ATE & Broker
Telephone: +44 117 917 1685 or +44 7738 568 470
Web: www.arag.co.uk
ARAG is the largest family-owned enterprise in the German insurance industry and has positioned itself as a versatile quality insurer. It is the leading legal insurer worldwide. Active in 19 countries – including the US, Canada and Australia – ARAG is also represented by international branches, subsidiaries and shareholdings in numerous international markets in which it holds a leading position as a provider of legal insurance and legal services. Besides legal insurance, it offers its customers in Germany its own unique needs-based products and services covering casualty and property insurance and health insurance. With more than 5,000 employees, the Group generates revenue and premium income totalling over €2,4 billion.
ARAG SE ARAG Platz 1 · 40472 Düsseldorf Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Dr. h. c. Paul-Otto Faßbender
Board of Management Dr. Renko Dirksen (Speaker) · Dr. Matthias Maslaton · Wolfgang Mathmann · Dr. Shiva Meyer · Hanno Petersen · Dr. Joerg Schwarze Seat and court of registry Düsseldorf · HRB 66846 · VAT ID: DE 119 355 995
Disclaimer - all information in this article was correct at time of publishing.